If you know me in any capacity you probably know that I am obsessed with happy girls!! I am particularly fond of seeing brown girls that are happy because they are not commonly seen in the media. And just to be clear....I don't think girls should walk around all Stepford wifey with fake smiles all the time. I mean....happy with one self..carefree....comfortable in your skin....confident enough to give away a smile! I am so very fortunate to have tons of girls in many different ages and many different hues that fit this description. I view it as one of my many blessings. Topping my list tonight is my goddaughter Sydney. Tomorrow I will celebrate with her and her little friends for another big bash celebration. But tonight.......well tonight I am tired, and covered with glitter.......and my heart is full. In the nine years since Sydney was born my own daughter has finished her PhD, and med school and is happily performing surgery. I feel like I know a lil bit about ...
Real problems, real solutions, real talk!