Oh boy......it's here! How could it be? That little baby you were just reading Goodnight Moon to is packing up and moving on to college and you are..........................FREAKING OUT! Yup......no other way to put it! It's freak out and melt down time time...... But it's ok. You are not alone! Before you go too far over the edge, congratulate yourself on a job well done! You got them here. A few all nighters (more than a few?......lol) a few scrapes, hurt feelings.....ups, downs....you got them here! And, you have figured out a way to pay for it! (still figuring? That's ok to0!) And now it is settling in.....they are really leaving! WOW! With all of the hustle and bustle of packing and paperwork and double checking everything here is a list of a few fun and often forgotten things to do............wine drinking does not appear.....but then again, neither does breathing! Both are expected and necessary! Here ya go!! 1. Save a few bucks for giftcards for those pla...
Real problems, real solutions, real talk!