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Instead of New Year's Resolutions try Seasonal Solutions! Fall Forward!!

It's fall y'all and for me this season marks another year to celebrate a birthday and be thankful. I like to think of it as a time to grab a fresh start. Unlike the pressure that comes with New Year's Resolutions I like to think this is a time for seasonal solutions!!

As I write this I am feeling high on I'm telling you if I could package this I would be on the world's most wanted list. I have never tried drugs but can't be better. At this age I have seen lots of really great things and places and some really bad ones.....I've know some really great people and how to live in a world with some that are the opposite. With it all........I choose to make the most of every day.....find every bit of happiness I can squeeze out and bloom wherever I am planted! So....while I love moving my clock back at the end of this is my list for Fall-ing Forward! Try some of may be pleased with the results!!

1. Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time....tell them that you miss them!
2. Clean out your medicine cabinet (and restock what you need!!)
3. Plant bulbs! (in the spring they will stand at attention and greet you as if you were royalty!!)
4. USE YOUR BEST DISHES................tonight. Why wait.....
5. Buy new underwear......and bras. Wine gets better with age......ummm, yeah, undergarments do not! It's time to retire some of your favs. And if you are a not buy bras. get it!
6. Eat Not putting a goal on it or any pressure is important!!
7. Speaking of health....get a mammogram or prostate test. Take a friend or family member. (not to hang out...make them make an appointment too!)
8. Do something nice................and don't expect anything back!!
9.  Invite people over. It's a great way to get a good cleaning done and if you did number may want to catch up even more.
10. Have a party...Chili for a Chili night, Pokeno, Wine Tasting, Scandal Watch....whatever....keep it simple but it's a great time to entertain and do a lil seasonal decorating
Sally the Sassy Sideboard ready for Fall with homemade hanger burlap wreath !

11. Clean your baseboards...............this is my most dreaded task but seriously, have you looked at your baseboards lately?
12. Write a letter to someone. Not an email.. Not a text. Tell someone in writing they are important to you!!
13. Get some antifreeze stuff for your windshield wipers. It may be 80 degrees today but it could snow tomorrow and you need to see the road
14. Go a different way home......look around....who knew all the cool stuff right in your own backyard
15. Educate yourself on a local candidate and VOTE! I'm not talking folks you see on CNN here peeps....I'm talking about the people who can get your street sign put back up
16. Make something different for many times are you gonna make spaghetti this month (Ummmm......I really, really like spaghetti)
17. Take a walk.....find a park.....let the brisk air hit ya in the face! It's good for you!!
18. Clean your makeup bag out.....not only is it a new season but how long have you had that pink mascara in there?
19.  Learn something new. Even if it's something small. Share what you learn with someone else.
20. change your furniture around! Who knows when the budget will be right for new items........but the same stuff looks new when moved around. Try it.....
21. stop cursing. or be happy if this isn't an issue for you. Ummm, this is on all of my to do lists. but that's another blog
22. clean out your inbox....get a handle on all the information coming you way
23. while you've taken control of your info....take stock of your closet and pantry too. get them season ready!
24. Get your eyes checked.........even if you feel that this really confirms you are getting old and have been avoiding this task(like me)
25. Be HAPPY! Actively........... smile, greet people, engage, listen................choose to find something in every day that is good .

One thing I know for sure is you usually find what you are looking for..... Rather it's on this list or a list of your own......schedule in YOU.....put YOU on your priority list....don't let perfection block progress and don't let waiting on the right time turn into running out of time and that is real talk!    Happy Fall Y'all!!

Betty the Buffet dressed with fall leaf garland and autumn flower filled aged toolbox


  1. Betsy is looking fantastic!! I love this thing at a time right??

  2. one thing, one project at a time. amazing how getting some of these small things done makes you a lil happier!!

  3. This is great! What a great reminder to take time to do these things. I've got my list and here I go! There are so many on here that I love. Fall FORWARD...that's awesome...and those candles on Betty the Buffet...hotness!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Are all pieces of furniture in your home named?!!!! Happy Fall'yall!!!

  5. Lol yes! Everything that I paint is named! Betty the buffet, Sally the sassy side piece , and then there was Sloan.....she was strong with a bit of an Asian flare. My husband hated her so I sold her and bought some pool loungers. Ha! When I come downstairs I say....hello Sally. You are lookin good today. Heehee


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