Well well well.....it's that time again...the sun is out and the snow has faded and the soil is calling my name!
In years past it has called on me to plant flowers, shrubs, grasses and my favorite.....roses! But the idea of growing my own food has been a bit intimidating. Now is the time! I dabbled a bit....
This is a pic of my raised veggie bed and .....gasp.....carrots from last year I just realized were there. Soooo....here is what happened: I was all gung ho to start a veggie bed last year. Set it up and laid some seed and even saw a few sprouts come up. Woop woop! Then......a work trip to China....yep, China, came and off I went. Upon my return there were weeds and work and beetles and well......I let it go. Total fail! I wasn't really sure of what I was doing and I just kinda...left it alone. But it wasn't out of my mind......
Around the 1st of the year when everyone goes on the diet kick and craze folks started with juicing.....uh hmmmm.......juicing. Why not....I could stand to lose a few pounds so I jumped in......straight to the market. STICKER SHOCK! To get a fresh veggie stash you need a lot of cash! omg!
So I started planning......
I know I can do it...and then I saw the most inspiring video and it was like a sign to keep my focus.
This is Ron from LA......they call him the Gangsta Gardener. OMG.......I so want to be a gangsta something...why not a gangsta gardener. Heehee. And you know if it's free, it's for me....so growing my own veggies is the perfect project. The video also got me thinking of a conversation I had with my son. I shared that I had a dream of one day being a master gardener....he asked why. I told him I wanted to put some education around one of my passions and he asked if I wanted to change jobs. Nope. I love my job. He asked if someone was going to pay me for becoming a master gardener......nope. Then I told him it took weeks of classes and hands on work in actual gardens owned by the state. "Are you crazy?" he asked. And I realized that he hasn't seen many people that look like him grow things. All of the farmer's markets and nurseries that I have dragged him to his whole life had no minorities working or in most cases shopping. Clearly I know that all walks of life love to get their hands dirty but I want to see it..................so...I am asking everyone I know...and everyone they know....and on and on...
Can you DIG it? Diversity in Gardening!
Grow something. Anything. Something you can eat.....something you can enjoy....and then share it! You can post here and I will do the same. Tips, tricks, setbacks. Come on....can you DIG it? Here are some easy steps to get you started:
The 4 W's:
- Work it! The soil that is. You need a space, a pot, a bed. And you need good soil. Start small......you imagination is bigger than your time after work.
- Water it! You will have to keep your space watered. Keep it close so you don't have to walk far. If you live in the city without a lot of space....how about a kitchen sink herb planter? Whatever it is....keep it watered!
- WEED it! Yep....I know....but weeds will come. I am using the bed above and it's small enough to manage the weeds.
- Wait on it! So this is the hardest part for me.......I have no patience. But....you have to watch and wait and have patience. Get your kids involved. Their excitement will help with any adult impatience.
SO...............can YOU DIG it? Say yes....commit today to growing something this season. Share your results. Come back and comment. I will share my results too..............hopefully better than those sorry carrots above! Let's dig in and GROW something! Pin it, share it....and ask folks you know...can you DIG it!! Real talk!!
OK....I feel like you are speaking directly to me BUT I kill everything. I have a hard time remembering to water things :-) I loved the video and am contemplating giving a pot or two on the back porch a try!