Newsflash! Loyalty has an expiration date!! Is it time for some of your relationships to get tossed?
Loyalty is high on my values list. I consider myself a loyal person. I wear that definition with pride. When asked who and what I am…..loyal is always a word I use as a descriptor. I am friends still with my very 1 st best friend and many others from my childhood days…..married 21 years……I show up when I say I will for milestones in the lives of others because being loyal is a verb. It requires action, not just words. As the year winds down and the calendar points us to a reflective and planful place it’s natural to consider the relationships in your life and make some decisions around with whom and how you enter the New Year. So while thinking of this for my own self I had to revisit the definition of loyalty. loy·al adjective 1. giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. loy·al·ty noun 1. the quality of being loyal to someone or something After pondering over this definition and careful c...