Here we go! Summer is here and the inn is full to capacity! That's right! All rooms are full, trundle is out and the couches are loaded up! With all this activity I have more mouths to feed and I want to make it good but y'all know it has to cheap. This is one big problem with couponing......a lot of the items with matching coupons are processed, boxed, bagged and seldom fresh. Never fear! You can still save big and stretch your budget by thinking through your menu and really stocking your pantry! Marinades, condiments, and basic starches are a pantry must and most of these items I am able to stock up on throughout the year for pennies if I pay anything at all. The rest I leave to the weekly sales and what's in season. Here was tonight's $7 sizzler: Hawaiian Chicken! Aloha! This is so easy and has a million varieties and can also be used for fajitas, etc. The thing for big crowds of growing boys is rice, pasta, know....plate fillers! Heehee! I served...
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