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Showing posts from March, 2014

Show and Tell! Dr. Corbitt speaks to the Uptown School Girls group

We have a common saying in our house; I can show you better than I can tell you! It was with that spirit that I brought my daughter, an MD, PhD, to my mentor session with The Young Ladies of Distinction, an empowerment group for girls at the Uptown Middle School in Atlantic City. Two of the young ladies met us at the front door of the school building. They were easily recognized by their purple pashmina scarves....a special treat to the uniform policy. Bright smiles and firm handshakes welcomed us and beckoned us to follow. The building was bustling with end of the day announcements and activity bells! These girls were as focused as if it were the beginning of the day! We started our meeting by listening to them say their creed in unison. Words of empowerment about their worth, their actions, their future were like music to my ears. To see them is to believe them. These girls mean business. I had previously arranged a tour at the world famous toy store FAO in NY for the girls...

5 Life Lessons from Behind the Wheel

The knock came early in the morning and sounded like the police. Bang, bang, bang! I moved slowly to answer but my 16 year old son was up and ready! He had been waiting for months. Years probably. Today is the day for his permit and 3 hour driving lesson! I was pretty certain he would be ok....not too sure about me though! My husband came to the banister....still sleepy from a late night at work. He pulled his robe close and said to the instructor, " That is precious cargo right there. I want you to know. " They gave each other long knowing looks and out the door we went! I was all smiles and chatter. Be careful. Listen. Pay attention. Let me get a picture. Have fun! All of the right things were said. I had done this twice before with my older children. No problem. I smiled and waved good bye. I made it up to the porch before the 1st tear slid down my face. Really? Where did the time go? So many's dangerous out there. Don't use your phone. Keep your...

The great Toilet Paper Caper!!!

I love to save! And I love sharing the "how-to" of saving with friends. There was never a better time to share than fall of 2011......I call it the Great Toilet Paper Caper. I had been "couponing" as a hobby for a little while when I hit pay dirt! These kind of deals are super scarce these days but at the time this was an adrenaline raising, blood thumping, OMG moment! Take a look..... What you can't see are the bags and boxes of the rest next to my kitchen table!! It was all FREE! And I had $54 to spend on other things. It was mind blowing!! I was so excited I had a "how to" party for my friends and as a parting gift....well.....that got the thing that everyone needs!! A bag full of toilet paper! Ha! I gave away tons....put some in every bathroom, the laundry room, and the basement! It was everywhere! In the time that has passed I have had several parties with 50 plus people.....illnesses of the stomach variety if you know what I mean.....4 ...

Ebony and Ivory! The blessing that is friendship

I am one lucky girl. I am blessed with women in my life that I can count on, that want the best for me, and that I enjoy. I know it is a blessing because all around me I see examples of what it looks like when that is not the case. It is a curious thing, when relationships go wrong with women, because it starts early!! Like 7-8. All of a sudden someone thinks you think you're cute....or bossy....or...gasp! Conceited. They stop sitting next to you on the bus or at the lunch table. It is crazy because in many instances it has no is without explanation! As adults it's just the same. You can be friends with me as long as you stay in your lane......that job.....hmmmm, you fancy now? That house....bougie. No you didn't buy that couch I was looking at......I would laugh because it's funny but I could cry because it's true! So when I say I am blessed with women in my life that give me the fuel I need to be and do my best....I really do mean blessed. That I ...

Nic's trips! Push pin office map!

The office makeover continues! I really am loving how it looks! Such a happy space! This easy project was super fast....20 minutes! Woop! And super cheap! $20! Yepper! I wanted to have a visual of some of the places I have traveled to and I happened to have an old map in the basement that actually fit the color scheme of the office. Who knew?! I moved it up to my gift wrap bin thinking I would frame it. I was not too keen on hanging something heavy on the wall and if I put glass over it I would be limited to marking my destinations......hmmmmm.....what to do? Eureka!!! Installation Board! ( may remember that I am a lil obsessed with this stuff because it is BIG and it is CHEAP!)  check out some of my most pinned projects using this stuff here: Office Art!!! I bought the cheapest board from Lowe's for $10.75. It is supper big. I had them cut it into thirds  right at the counter so it would fit in my car. 3' by 4' each piece! ( that's...

Meet Blue Belle my new office cabinet!! $40!

Ok, I have been looking for the right piece to go in my office for over a year. It has to be the right size and I have to house my family room tv components on it as well. this is what the space looked like before......... I know, I know! A hot mess! The rest of the office is great but this was more like a dumping ground. Another challenge is the light switch. see how far into the wall it is? I know....who does that? So whatever I use can't cover the switch. And....since it's me, well, you know I want to do it all for under $50! My husband said I was nuts and that it was an impossible expectation. That motivated me even more and I hit up my favorite cousin Craig.....Craigslist that is! Here is what I found.......... She is short (this is good because I want to use the top) and skinny (this is great because of the light switch problem) and they say make an offer!! Feeling tingly!!!! I send this pic to my husband who is use to getting random pics from me with a question mar...